Contacts 5+ (w/ Groups)


not available

When Lollipop came out, many uses like myself were disappointed to see that Google had moved the groups feature of the contacts app back behind several menus, making the feature quite frustrating to use. This app fixes that mistake, restoring the groups to their proper place, in a tab on the main page.This app was built from scratch, and is not a fork of the AOSP contacts app.
LIMITATIONSThis app currently only works with contacts from Google accounts.
REPORT A BUG / SUGGEST A FEATUREPlease report all bugs and make all feature requests on the XDA forum dedicated to this app:
CURRENT FEATURES- Tabs for All Contacts, Groups, and Favorites.- Search for contact, both in the All Contacts list and within an individual group.- Ability to view/add/edit contact details.- Customizable settings:--- Toggle "only phones"--- Toggle showing groups without contacts--- Change contact name display style--- Change sorting for both contacts and groups--- Choose which accounts to display
UPCOMING FEATURES- Broadcast Receiver updates (right now, if the contacts data is changed from an outside source like the Google Contacts website, and the app is running, it won’t update until you close and re-open the app)- UI improvements. The popup letters when fast scrolling and the section headers are a project I intend to dive into shortly, to better match the slick look-and-feel of the default contacts app.- Frequently Contacted section in Favorites tab- Support for more account types… maybe (this is so not guaranteed, depends on how much overhead it adds to the contact loading process, I haven’t even begun to look into it so I have no idea).
PERMISSIONSRetrieve list of accounts to filter contacts by account- android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS- android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS
Load contacts from google contacts database- android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
Load ads from the internet- android.permission.INTERNET- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE